First Seven Minis
Lessons learned from the begining of the adventure.
Even amateur painting quality is better than bare plastic. It makes you want to play even more.
Quick math: it took me about 3 months to paint 7 miniatures. At this pace, painting the whole game will take roughly 3 years. Let's see if this prediction holds true.
Key takeaways so far:
Artistry like this follows specific rules that anyone can learn. Following these rules will lead to decent results.
No need to sweat over the details or quality, as long as you're having fun. Time flows surprisingly fast when you're laser-focused on completing the next miniature.
Online video tutorials have limited value unless they demonstrate painting something very similar to your project (so far I've found one YouTuber who does this). Most tutorial creators use premium-quality miniatures and equipment that I either can't access or don't want to invest in. Naturally, their tutorials wouldn't look as spectacular if they used lower-quality materials.
A quality paintbrush is the most crucial piece of equipment. While you can compromise on other materials, a poor-quality brush will limit your progress.
If you have a scientific mind and are new to artistic work, this hobby will challenge your brain in a positive way. You'll develop skills from parts of your mind that don't get much exercise normally. It's like the reverse of teaching a creative friend how to code.
I hope this helps. Pick up that brush and see where it takes you.